弘立書院 – 註校教育心理學家
救世軍社會服務 -- 教育心理學家
協康會-- 教育心理學家
主流教育自閉學童家長會有限公司 -- 顧問
香港理工大學 – 客席講師
香港大學專業進修學院 – 客席講師
麥依華女士於嬰幼兒、兒童、青少年評估、教育、訓練和輔導方面有廣泛經驗。 她多年來投入為自閉症、專注力不足過度活躍症、讀寫障礙兒童設計治療小組及 個別介入,以及編寫自閉症及讀寫障礙兒童專用的訓練指南。近年,麥女士亦參 與跟自閉症兒童有關之研究。麥女士曾參與出版多個著作,包括於協康會工作 時,她為「自閉症兒童訓練指南 – 全新版」的統籌及領導自閉症評估工具「PEP-3 工作小組」。
麥依華女士具多年支援主流學校及特殊幼兒中心經驗,曾參予多次學校危機處 理,亦為兒童進行個別及小組治療,以及以校本形式提供心理支援。於學校 及幼兒中心,麥女士為老師及社工提供深入淺出的訓練,增進同工們的專業技 巧,讓兒童學習更有效率。她亦為特殊幼兒中心兒童進行個別治療。
麥女士與音樂治療師、言語治療師、職業治療師、物理治療師、社工、和老師有 深入合作,長期於跨專業環境為兒童及家長提供支援,對兒童發展有關之服務有 非常深的認識,亦為有需要兒童作適當的轉介。
多年來,麥女士提供專業講座及工作坊予醫生、治療師、社工、老師及家長。麥 女士每年所負責的講座內容,大多與自閉症和其他特殊學童的各種不同需要有 關。其次,她亦提供與一般兒童心理發展有關的講座及工作坊。她的講座亦遠至 中國內地及澳門。因應中國內地特殊教育的需要,麥女士致力為內地特殊學童導 師及醫生提供工作坊。
近年,麥女士較多處理嬰幼兒心理發展問題,包括一般發展、專注力、焦慮、反 叛、選擇性緘默、暴力、和學習問題。麥女士曾於報章撰寫有關自閉症之專欄, 亦為心理學學生及初入職心理學家提供督導。
1. Fallon, A. B., Mak, E., Tehan, G., & Daly, C. (2005). Lexicality and phonological similarity: a challenge for the retrieval-based account of serial recall? Memory, 13(3/4),349-356
2. 石丹理, 于璐, 麥依華 (2013). 中文版PEP-3的驗證研究. 協康會
3. 救世軍青年、家庭及社區服務 (2008). 「活出成就」-特殊學習障礙學生創作計劃. 優質教育基金 計劃編號2004/0544
4. 麥依華 (2009).
青蔥教室系列之自閉症幼兒的教與學 ─ 幼兒導師手冊.協康會
5. 麥依華(統籌), 鄧麗儀, 李頌詩, 張威文, 任淑玲, 黃依琦, 余嘉琪 (2013). 自閉症兒童訓練指南 – 全新版.協康會
6. PEP-3工作小組 (2009). 自閉症兒童心理教育評該第三版 (PEP-3) .協康會
Ms. Eva Mak
Registered Educational Psychologist
Professional Qualifications
BSc(Hons.) in Psychology, University of Southern Queensland
Master in Psychology (Educational and Developmental), Monash University
Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Registered Psychologist, Australia
Registered Educational Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Associate Fellow, Division of Educational Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Previous Positions
School-Based Educational Psychologist – The ISF Academy
Educational Psychologist – Social Services, The Salvation Army
Educational Psychologist – Heep Hong Society
Consultant - The Parents Association of Autistic Children in Mainstream Education Ltd
Guest Lecturer – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Guest Lecturer – HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Cantonese, English, Putonghua (Mandarin)
Brief Introduction
Ms Eva Mak is experienced in the assessment, education, training, and counseling of children in preschool, primary school, and adolescents' stages. For many years, she has been involved in designing group and individual interventions for children with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dyslexia, as well as in creating and publishing of training manuals for autistic and dyslexic children. In recent years, Ms Mak participated in research study on the assessment of autistic children. She was involved in different publications, including being the team leader of writers of "Autistic Training Package" and team leader of the working group of "PEP-3", an autistic assessment tool, in Heep Hong Society.
Ms Eva Mak has years of experiences in supporting mainstream schools and special childcare centres, in which she provided crisis management, individual and group treatment sessions, and school-based psychologist service. Ms Mak provided trainings for teachers and social workers in schools, enhancing their professional skills in managing and educating children, whose learning efficacy can be improved.
Ms Mak cooperates with music therapist, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, and teachers. For a very long time, she has been working in an inter-disciplinary professional team. She is very familiar with children development services and she provides referral service for children with different needs.
For almost a decade, Ms Mak provides professional seminars and workshops for medical practitioners, therapists, social workers, teachers, and parents. Every year, the seminars Ms Mak gives largely relate to autistic children and children with other special educational needs. She also provides seminars and workshops on normal children psychological development. Her talks reached Mainland China and Macau. Due to the tremendous need of special education, Ms Mak devotes herself in providing workshops for teachers and medical practitioners who work with special educational needs children in Mainland China.
In recent years, Ms Mak dedicates more of her time to provide interventions for children and toddlers with psychological development issues, including general development, attention, anxiety, rebellion, selective mutism, violence, and learning problems. Ms Mak had been a column writer on the topic of autism. She also provides supervision for psychologist student and new psychologist.
List of Publications
Academic Paper
1. Fallon, A. B., Mak, E., Tehan, G., & Daly, C. (2005). Lexicality and phonological similarity: a challenge for the retrieval-based account of serial recall? Memory, 13(3/4),349-356
2. Shek, T. L, Yu, L & Mak, E. (2013). Psychometric properties and norms of the Chinese version of PEP-3 in Hong Kong children. Heep Hong Society.
Training Package
3. 救世軍青年、家庭及社區服務 (2008). 「活出成就」-特殊學習障礙學生創作計劃. 優質教育基金 計劃編號2004/0544
4. 麥依華 (2009). 青蔥教室系列之自閉症幼兒的教與學 ─ 幼兒導師手冊.協康會
5. 麥依華(統籌), 鄧麗儀, 李頌詩, 張威文, 任淑玲, 黃依琦, 余嘉琪 (2013). 自閉症兒童訓練指南 – 全新版.協康會
Assessment Tool
6. PEP-3工作小組 (2009). 自閉症兒童心理教育評該第三版 (PEP-3) .協康會