Reaching out to the Community: Youth Band & Therapy

Reaching out to the Community: Youth Band & Therapy

Posted by music on May 2, 2013

Director of the Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre has been involved in the “Adolescent Early Intervention Service as their Arts (Music) Therapist since 2011.  In this year, 2013, Ms Mak had started to involve in their youth band of the service, serving adolescent in Band and Therapy Settings.

The youth band has just given a brilliant live music performance in the activity ‘Music is………’ at Tsing Yi Promenade. During the performance, we see even babies were attracted by the group and started dancing to the beat! We admire how our brave youths are reaching out to the community through music, and at the same time achieving personal growth, facing the obstacles they encountered in life.



本中心音樂治療師 暨  總監  麥依汶小姐 自 2011年至今出任「青少年身心導航服務」 之 藝術(音樂)治療師,提供個別及小組音樂心理治療。 本年,麥小姐更為「青少年身心導航服務」之樂隊 藝術(音樂)治療師, 啟發樂隊互動 及 提供音樂心理治療。

樂隊於上星期日 (2013 年 4月 21日),在葵青區青衣海濱公園為「生活的藝術2013」演出了精彩的現場音樂表演。演出期間,我們看到甚至幼兒也被樂隊所吸引,並隨節拍舞動!我們也對此年青樂隊感覺欽佩! 願大家能在音樂中一同成長!

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