「小休止符 - 助人專業工作坊」 ‘Pause’ Workshop for Helping Professionals

「小休止符 - 助人專業工作坊」 ‘Pause’ Workshop for Helping Professionals

Posted by music on November 14, 2012



健康會議- 締造都市神健康」舉辦會議前期工作坊。 

作坊名為「小休止符 - 助人專業工作坊」。









地點:灣仔愛群道36號 9 / F(名額:15)

登記 / 聯絡辦事處:灣仔愛群道36號 8 / F 浸信會愛羣社會服務處秘書處

電話:3413 1677

傳真:3413 1656

參加上述工作坊,詳情可按: 申請表



Ms. Emma Mak, Centre Director of the Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre will be participating in the coming “Local Conference on Mental Wellness in the City – Making an Impact”. Ms. Mak will be providing in providing a Pre Conference Workshop named the ‘ “Pause” Workshop for Helping Professionals’


So can focusing on oneself help others? Everybody have their own background and experience, even for helping professionals. With the focus of being helpful to others, helping professionals often need to stay looking strong, feeling positive, perceived dependable…. This ‘Pause’ Workshop involves the use of musical and artistic elements and reflections to provide a 3-hours ‘pause’ journey for helping professionals.


Pre Conference Workshops for Local Conference on Mental Wellness in the City – Making an Impact


‘Pause’ Workshop for Helping Professionals


Ms. Emma Mak, Therapist, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service. Registered Music Therapist, Health Professions Council (UK). Fellow of the Academy, R.F. Unkefer Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy.

The workshop aims to provide helping professionals a space for pausing, refreshing, and focusing on oneself and one’s own experience.


Emma Mak’s professional practice covers both Music Psychotherapy Services for all age groups and families; as well as using music in facilitating speech , physical movements, social interactions, etc. Helping Professionals can use this workshop as a time for playing, and self-reflecting.


Workshop Date:Nov 28, 2012 (Wednesday)

Time: 3:00-6:00pm

Venue: 9/F. 36 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai   (Quota: 15)

Registration Contact:Conference Secretariat, 8/F. 36 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai

Tel:3413 1677

Fax:3413 1656

To participate Workshop, please click the following for the Details:



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Category / 類別

心理支援 音樂治療

地址﹕  香港銅鑼灣渣甸街 45 號人人商業大廈 8A 室
電話﹕  2576 7730
傳真﹕  3020 6899
網址﹕  http://www.MusicPsychotherapy.com.hk


請致電預約,電話: 2576 7730

