選擇性緘默症 Selective Mutism
大家有沒有見過有語言能力的小朋友變成了「不說話的孩子」呢?香港音樂治療中心總監麥依汶小姐對這個因為心理因素而不說話的症狀「選擇性緘默症 」之專業經驗已為大眾所知,也早於2009年獲TVB邀請講解此症狀。
今天(2015年12月4日)下午4:35 至 5:30 RTHK 香港電台第五台「有你同行」節目中麥小姐將會就此症狀接受直播訪問。
題目: 選擇性緘默症
嘉賓: 麥依汶小姐 ( 香港音樂治療中心總監)
Have you eve meet a child who have ability to speak but would turn mute in certain situation? These children could be suffering from a psychological hindrance called "selective mutism" . Director of the Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre, Ms. Emma Mak's expertise in using Music Psychotherapy to help children with selective mutism is known to the public. As early as 2009, Ms. Mak already get invitation from TVB to talk about selective mutism on television and had successfully helped many families with selectively mute kids.
Today (4 Dec., 2015) Ms. Emma Mak will be On Air on RTHK from 4:35 to 5:30 pm sharing with you about non-drug treatment for selective mutism. Stay tuned !
Topic: Selective Mutism
Host: Ms. Vivian Yip
Guest: Ms. Emma Mak ( Director of Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre)
TVB Interview ~ Music Therapy and Psychotherapy for Selective Mutism (Video) / TVB專訪 〜 選擇性緘/默症(視頻)
Non-Drug Therapy for Selective Mutism