NMT (Neurological Music Therapy ) involves using a research-based and outcome-focused individualized treatment planned & facilitated by a qualified Neurological Music Therapist.
NMT is based on a neuroscience model of music perception and production, and the influence of music on functional changes in non musical brain and behavior functions. (Thaut, 2005)
There are <20 NMT interventions. The areas of specific goals include speech, motor, cognitive, psychosocial etc.
Interventions provided by the Hong Kong Music Therapy Centre include ….
- Music stimulation & learning
- Voice Intonation Training (VIT)
- Musical Attention Control Training (MACT)
- TIMP Music Group
- Music Facilitated Speech Training (MFST)
And more…
Who will benefit from our treatments?
- Speech Delay and Dysphasia
- Neurological rehabilitations (Brain Injuries, Stroke Patients, Dementia ….etc)
- Special Educational Needs and Developmental Delay
- Cognitive Development and Reacquisition
- Speech Development and Reacquisition
- Chronic illness
Call (852) 2576 7730 for Booking & Enquiries