心理支援服務 套餐(公共及私營組織 / 機構)

Psychological Support Service Package for Organizations (Public and Private Sector)

This support service is suitable for organizations in the public and private sector whose work is very psychologically demanding, or for work-places where there often is the need for short-term or long-term psychological supports.

Organizations in the public and private sector who might benefit from this Support Service include :

心理支援 音樂治療

地址﹕  香港銅鑼灣渣甸街 45 號人人商業大廈 8A 室
電話﹕  2576 7730
傳真﹕  3020 6899
網址﹕  http://www.MusicPsychotherapy.com.hk


請致電預約,電話: 2576 7730

